
Zoom Meetings Download for Android

You are about to download Zoom Meetings, Version ( ) for Android.

Click the button below to start downloading it:

All you need to know about this download

  • Version:
  • Supported OS: Android 6.0 or higher
  • File Name: details?id=us.zoom.videomeetings&hl=en_US
  • File Size: 109 MB
  • After clicking on start download, this application will start downloading from Official Server
  • The file is in its Orginal Form. Fileion does not bundle or repack or modify downloads in any way.

Zoom Meetings for Android Change Log

Checkout what's new in Zoom Meetings for Android Version (

The version of Zoom Meetings for Android,, was released on August 10, 2023. It includes a number of new features and bug fixes, such as:

  • Support for Android 13: Zoom Meetings now supports Android 13.
  • Improved meeting performance: Zoom Meetings has been optimized for better performance on Android devices.
  • Fixed bugs: A number of bugs have been fixed in this version, including issues with audio, video, and chat.

Here is a more detailed look at some of the new features in Zoom Meetings for Android

  • Support for Android 13: Zoom Meetings now supports Android 13. This means that users with devices running Android 13 can now use Zoom Meetings without any issues.
  • Improved meeting performance: Zoom Meetings has been optimized for better performance on Android devices. This means that users should experience smoother video and audio in meetings, as well as faster loading times.
  • Fixed bugs: A number of bugs have been fixed in this version, including issues with audio, video, and chat. This should improve the overall stability and usability of the app.


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